Altibase is preferred by major companies and government organization for its hybrid database services. In 2005, it was developed and commercialized as a true hybrid database in the world. Due to its excellent services, it has served over 650 enterprises clients including 8 Fortune Global 500 companies since 1999. Altibase’s hybrid architecture ensures the effective use of memory tables for high performance and disk tables for economical storage.
This simply eliminates the need to purchase an in-memory database and a disk-resident database on a separate basis. The enterprise-grade database is popular as a balanced database management system to offer high-performance data processing in main memory with the enormous storage capabilities of the physical disk. Altibase, being a hybrid-database system allows for high flexibility and robust functionality.
Altibase’s in-memory database allows the faster functioning of the system because the data resides directly in RAM which reduces the response time and latency to a great extent. Apart from this, it offers a unified engine as one can perform the joining operations between memory tables and disk tables without facing any significant issues.
Because of this feature, Altibase enjoys a high share of satisfied customers all across the world. Automated Taxi Dispatch Service and Smart City Project are the two cases in which one can notice the hybrid architectural usage of Altibase.