Explore one of the biggest potential lands of the world, Africa!
There is no denying that a continent like Africa is the most underdeveloped of all. The Sahara desert isolated Africa from the rest of the world for a long time. Many civilizations passed and Africa stayed untouched. This became a hindrance between the continent and its growth. Even today, some countries are attacked by poverty and underdevelopment. But, there is a positive side to this aspect when all the countries in the world are occupied with concrete structures. Africa is a continent endowed with surplus natural and human resources. There is great cultural, ecological, and economic diversity. This brings in vast opportunities for foreign investors to utilize Africa.
Amne Suedi, the founder of Shikana Group, lists down five reasons why you should invest in Africa today.
- Potential Demographics – A continent whose population’s median age is 19.8, has no doubt got a huge scope of the workforce. We are proceeding towards the time where the global workforce is reducing but 60% of the population is still young in Africa, which is even more than India and China. This is a symbol of economic strength.
- Digital Transformation – Africa has stayed bereft of technologies for a great period. But Africa today is the leader in mobile adoption. This offers the biggest cross-sectoral opportunity. Mobile payment networks have opened ways for rural dwellers. This has been a huge success so far and the scope of improvement still stays.
- Infrastructural needs – Considering the abundant natural resources, foreign economies are taking up huge projects in Africa. They are trying to build facilities in the country. The invader approach – ‘find the resource and ship it out – is no longer prevalent. Long-term projects are being started with the vision to help Africa grow.
- Diversifying economies – With the availability of education, the middle-class section is growing in various terms. The young professionals who are becoming brand-aware are increasing the demand of the international supply chain in the continent. It is anticipated that this will grow tremendously in the coming years, hence, there will be a need to cater to these issues.
- Expected Growth – With the speed that foreign tycoon firms are making investments in Africa, it is expected that in the coming years, the growth chart of Africa will spike high in comparison to other economies. The scope is so vast and the market is wide open for anyone who wants to take a shot.
Shikana Group can help you in investing in Africa as per your needs. Even if you have already invested in Africa but you’re looking for some consultation, you can always contact them. The founder of this group has a strong vision to let foreign investors see a strong caliber in the market. She is an entrepreneur who has expertise in legal, financial, and corporate governance matters. One should always consider reaching out to her to unlock and realize the potential of their investment.