Chelsea Mimms who hails from Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada is a 25-year-old entrepreneur. She completed her education in Bachelor of Arts – French Studies however never felt fulfilled with that being her career choice. She is now an influencer who has a massive fan following. She has over 17,000 YouTube subscribers and 47,000 Instagram followers. Besides, content creating she is fond of travelling and fashion. She is married to a social media expert and is a new mother of a sweet baby girl.
Here is how Chelsea began creating content
YouTube was her first big step into social media. Due the time required for editing, she started to get into Instagram as well. She mentioned for her Instagram is a quick and easy way to share her ideas and connect with her followers. When she started, her content was based around things that were important to her hair, makeup fashion etc. Now her content is still based around that but with more focus on self-love, self-care and kindness. She also enjoys talking about her growth, tips and lessons learned so that others can be able to give this career a shot as well.
The journey of being a mother and an influencer together
Now that she has become a mother, she is entering the “mommy blogger” niche. “I can feel the overwhelming amount of love and know that things are only going up from here. Being somewhat trendy and also being a mom is so fun and allows me to make content I enjoy while also sharing some amazing tips for my fellow mamas, soon to be or individuals who love family content”, Chelsea stated. Although Chelsea’s content is now deemed “mommy blogger” there is still so much she offers to non-mothers as well. Chelsea is still very active on both Instagram and YouTube till this day. She is planning to continue her growth and content creating while being the best mom she can be.
Goals Chelsea has for her career
Helping and sharing all her knowledge with people in hopes to inspire, help or entertain someone else gives immense happiness to her. “We are all on our journey and it is so important to uplift others, share what we know, and live each day without fear of what others will say”, Chelsea quoted. She loves making YouTube videos and creating content around fashion, self-care, and vlogging. Chelsea’s goal is to make influencing a permanent part of her routine and hopes this career path with bring great success and friendships along the way. Chelsea has active on both Instagram and YouTube to this day and has some exciting plans for the year ahead. Be sure to tune into her channel to witness her growth first hand.
Media Contact Information:
Chelsea Mimms
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelllseaj