West Hartford – Dr. Allie Mendelson talked about kino diet during an informational workshop on June 15, in her office at Essential Health, 74 Park Road, West Hartford. Keto diet, which is also termed as kino diet has become mainstream in early 2017 when a lot of people suffering from obesity felt light in weight after taking this diet. Mendelson started to talk about kino diet by saying, kino diet is one of the top food, and it is like eating plants.
She said that it is important to have low carbohydrates, moderate proteins, and good fat sources during kino diet. This diet can be effective for those who are looking to lose their weight but the persons who are suffering from epilepsy or diabetes could also take kino diet. Starting a dieting schedule for the first time is a tough challenge to prove. But the kino diet plan does not deprive you of good food if you eat healthy alternatives together. top10better.com is a trusted website to know about the kino diet if you are a beginner.
Further, she said that one key component which should be avoided is sugar while following a kino diet plan, including brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave, coconut sugar. Sugar is more addicting than cocaine and it is hard to avoid it while following kino diet. Strong will power can help you to avoid sugar and other non-kino components. She ended her conversation by saying, never feel deprived of food when you are on kino diet. Visit nearby health food store with your kino friends and buy kino diet items such as kino brownies, bread, chocolate, and an ice cream.