<a href="https://pixabay.com/users/dimitrisvetsikas1969/">dimitrisvetsikas1969</a> / Pixabay
Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed warned of fight a war over the controversial Renaissance Dam. Ethiopia is looking to build this dam and Egypt is saying it could deprive its population of the freshwater that is needed to live. Ahmed is the winner of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. While speaking at the Ethiopian parliament, he said that his country was prepared to mobilize one million people to defend the dam and now no force can stop Ethiopia from building the dam.
Talks with Egypt are already closed over the construction of the $5 billion Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is almost 70 percent complete and is capable to provide electricity to Ethiopia’s 100 million people.
Egypt has a population of the same size and it fears that the process of making the reservoir behind the dam could split water share. Pro-government Egyptian media have declared this a national security threat after knowing the Ethiopian prime minister’s warning.
This issue has become world news and if all diplomatic and legal options fail, then military intervention could be seen.
Ethiopia’s decision to make a dam over the Nile river is putting Egypt in a tension of providing water sources to its fastest-growing population. Ethiopia can fill the dam in four years and Egypt is saying that Ethiopia should fill the dam at a slower pace within a process of seven years.
The Nile provides almost 90 percent of Egypt’s freshwater and the country wants a guarantee of the minimum annual release of 40 billion cubic metre of water from the Blue Nile.