Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers have found pedestrian injuries occur in communities throughout Ontario. Pedestrians often suffer severe injuries, and in cases involving a motorist and pedestrian the big question is: “who’s to blame?” Drivers must take extra caution with regards to pedestrians who are more vulnerable to injury than anyone in a motor vehicle. Many factors contribute to pedestrian injuries, such as the driver’s failure to yield, vehicle speed, pedestrian distractions, pedestrians crossing against the signal, pedestrians crossing at mid-block, driver distraction, pedestrian disabilities, driver and/or pedestrians under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and old age.
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Some pedestrians commit mistakes such as jaywalking, but pedestrian advocate Dillon Reed feels that jaywalking is not a bad thing as long as the pedestrian is not overstepping the law: “If you’re at a crosswalk and you start walking when that “Do not walk” sign comes up, that’s a ticketable offense. But if you’re mid-block, it gets a little gray because according to the law, as long as you’re not interfering with traffic and yield the right away, you may not be running, or should I say walking afoul of any laws.”
The number of traffic-related pedestrian injuries in Toronto has fallen between 2010 and 2014, but the number of fatalities has increased significantly. The majority of pedestrians hit by cars crossed outside of the marked crosswalk. They are often hit by vehicles that are turning. The fatalities are high at mid-block collisions because vehicles are moving faster. Hence, exposing the pedestrians to higher risk when jaywalking.
Injuries Resulting from Pedestrian Accidents and How a Lawyer can Help
Injuries sustained by a pedestrian can be categorized into two columns: non-fatal and fatal. Non-fatal injuries range from sprains, concussions, contusions, lacerations and fractures to spinal and back injuries. On the other hand, fatal injuries include massive blunt force trauma to the head, traumatic brain injury, multiple traumatic brain injuries, and traumatic asphyxia. Pedestrians who are injured by a car or truck can be eligible to receive compensation for their injuries, including family members who lost a loved one as a result of the pedestrian-motorist collision.
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Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers are experienced in handling pedestrian-related cases. As a top personal injury law firm in the country, Neinstein has expertise in many aspects of Canadian personal injury law. Contact them to find out more information on how to get compensation from injuries sustained. Give them a call at (647) 952-4359 or toll-free at (866) 541-8259 to schedule a free consultation.