<a href="https://pixabay.com/users/marijana1/">marijana1</a> / Pixabay
Workers of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s depot in East New York are exposed to asbestos for decades. A report has revealed that 20 students who are pursuing internship there are also exposed to asbestos. Workers of the depot are expressing their anger over this fact and they have been ignored by MTA management and Union. The presence of asbestos in the depot is due to air vents that are passing through mechanical stress for more than half a century. That means the material has been deteriorating since a long time ago and is becoming hazardous for the health of the workers.
According to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), when an active employee has been identified as being overexposed to asbestos, the safety measure should be taken by the employer to eliminate or lower the asbestos exposure. MTA should follow OSHA’s regulation for the welfare of the workers otherwise there will be a risk of mesothelioma. And a mesothelioma lawyer then steps in to help anyone that has been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure.
This dangerous situation regarding the MTA depot was exposed by several media networks. It has already been reported to the MTA officials last year but they have not made any effort for the welfare of the workers. The asbestos presence was found at a large level when in 2017, a test was carried out and it was expected to be remove by August 2018. There is still no effort been made by the MTA officials.