A person’s memory can make him feel good or bad depending on the nature of events he remembers. Experts share that remembering selecting information after considering its quality or value can play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of a person’s life.
They have expressed that remembering important information and forgetting the less important information can contribute to boosting the positive outlook of a person towards life. Memory and emotions are closely related to each other.
A person’s memories greatly impact his beliefs, morals, and values in everyday routine. They also impact his emotional well-being to a great extent. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to selectively remember only emotionally meaningful events.
However, the effect of selective memory only lasts for a short term and a person still remembers his pain in the long term. Many experts have addressed that the human brain has the capability to replace unhappy memories with positive & happy memories.
Prioritizing certain emotions can help a person to prioritize his learning and it makes it possible for him to remember valuable events with ease. The selection of emotions impacts both younger and older adults to a great extent.
Training the brain to remember only positive experiences and forgetting painful experiences can do wonders for a person only for the short term. It helps to rewire the brain to think about only positive memories and it leaves a positive emotional impact on a person’s life. It makes it possible for him to excel in his life by maintaining a positive mindset.