Roozbeh “Bruce” Aghaie Pour is the managing partner of Europe’s top Entertainment business company HR Booking and having luck right by his side he was introduced to the beauty of this business at a very tender age. The company has been an-integral part of the humongous change the Entertainment business has gone through over the decades. We’ve been waiting eagerly to know their future plans and finally it’s here.
Speaking about some new establishments Roozbeh says,”We are constantly growing and expanding. In 2019 we established-close ties with agencies in the film and television industry which-gives our clients the opportunity to work with new talent.”
Giving us an insight of their thought to expand globally Roozbeh Aghaie Pour further adds, “Aside from the bookings, we are-planning a new global concert agency to produce shows for our-talents. Furthermore we are also helping our clients with the global-distribution of their franchises and brands, such as 50 Cent‘s Cognac brand “Branson”. Plus a few other projects which i can‘t talk about yet.”
These future plans have got us truly excited and we’re awaiting some more details on the same. Roozbeh Aghaie Pour is truly an inspiration for one and all. To stay up to date follow him and HR Booking on instagram: