Mireille Twayigira, the refugee who managed to escape the Rwandan massacre at 3 years of age, on 25th February made a particularly compelling case to ensure the expansion of educational services for the refugee. During the genocide, sickness took away most of the family members she had while fleeing the scene. This case for betterment of refugees was made at the Georgetown University.
Twayigira mentioned that she is the living example of how education can turn the tables for refugees. She stated that she went through various ups and downs to earn her medical degree which brought her access to better lifestyle and that is the reason, today she is advocating proper education for the less-fortunate ones.
Currently, Twayigira serves as the Refugee Education Advocate for JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service). In the year 1994, Twayigira has fled from Rwanda with her entire family to reach Congo. By the year 1996, her mother, father, as well as younger sister left the world after which she was forced to run away with her grandparents to escape the violence reaching all the way to Angola.
In the year 2000, Twayigira along with her grandfather reached the Malawi refugee camp where she enrolled herself at the JRS Primary School.