Cortez White, professionally known as SghettiBoy Blackboi is the next artist making a name for himself from Florida. He is The founder of the SghettiBoy Music Group (SBMG). Black is currently doing big things on Spotify and other streaming sites. He is currently busy with building his music empire in San Diego, California. The overwhelming popularity surrounding SghettiBoy Blackboi’s recent music has the rap industry stunned. With a bevy of lowkey-hit records already under his belt, Sghettiboy is one song away from becoming the next big thing in the music industry; “Bubba” may be it.
With his new hot track “Bubba”, SghettiBoy Blackboi showcases the dedication he maintains to his craft. He also demonstrates advanced vocal prois. He brings a significant amount of musical talent to the table. His ability to create mood while speaking on relevant topics is also in “Bubba,” when he says,
“Baby Ever Since I Met You I Been Thinkin
That You’re Heaven Sent, Baby Where Your Wings At?
They Takin Medicine to Ease All The Pain Away
You Stackin Hella Bands, Umbrella For a Rainy Day”.
Blackboi details his affection for his love while at the same time drawing a contrast between his lady and other woman of the current age. She is more focused on attaining wealth and putting it away for an emergency and bettering her current life situation. Other woman are worried about doing drugs to escape their problems.
Following the hype of his previous music tracks, “ Bubba” is now sitting at almost 100k streams across all streaming platforms.
Sghettiboy Blackboi is a musical mastermind. “Bubba” is a perfect marriage between melodic mastery and heartfelt vibes, and it’s one of his most quickly trending tracks released to date. Listen to “Bubba” now and be on the lookout for “Welcome to Sghettiville”
Social Links:
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sghettiboyblackboi
Twitter – https://twitter.com/blackboimusic
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/artist/2JKqjpAO4iyJSb5NDo6nqd?si=0JFuMxs_RuSwuMxCyqatqA
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kjjRE9PJKjIjBGofnc6iA