Determination pays if you maintain your focus. Becoming successful requires making a decision and implementing it, even when the odds are not in your favor. Shashicka Tyre-Hill didn’t take limited education as an excuse not to change her living circumstances for the better. She is an inspirer, and she would like to motivate you with a story.
For a young lady to become a single mother at age 15, some would think her life would be over. However, Shashicka has always been mindful of what she wanted, and she would go for it despite the challenges.
She wouldn’t give up, and that was a significant turnaround for her when she decided to use her last $750 to start her first business. Shashicka Tyre-Hill is a strong, hardworking, and determined woman. She wanted to add value to people’s lives uniquely and differently.
That led to her research to develop a natural hair growth formula that is free of destructive chemicals. The fact that Shashicka had a horrible experience with hair loss made it possible to seek solutions for others. Miracle Mink Hair Wholesale, Inc. became a success because she provided an answer to growing stronger and healthier hair.
Shashicka Tyre-Hill is passionate about helping people. And that is why she keeps her quest on point to create an empire that makes life better for everyone. According to Ms.Tyre-Hill, being passionate about whatever you do is very important. This is because trials and tribulations will come, but your passion is what will keep you going. She loves her brands, and she devotes all her energy to see them survive.
Shashicka Tyre-Hill is a woman of God because her mom is a prayer warrior who would always pray to see her daughter succeed. She believes her mom’s prayers were answered, so she found her faith. Ms. Hill can confidently say she’s free of negativity and challenges because she breathes off her faith in God. She is a research enthusiast, and it is glaring with her discovery to bring happiness to people in different ways.
Shashicka Tyre-Hill does everything possible to motivate and influence people worldwide. She wrote a book with the title, “Blessings and Miracles,” to inspire people who might be struggling with their lives. There are several other books written with the motive to help others face their own challenges.
Shashicka feels she works smarter better than when she started. She has gathered many experiences, which helps her be more conscious and put things in place perfectly. She advises others that you should not allow ideas to die off in your minds. Pull yourself together, push beyond your imagination, and take that step to make your ideas become a reality.
Shashicka wants to let you know that every successful individual failed at some point. You should always perceive each failure as a signal showing you the path to a new success. Giving up is not an option. Make an effort and pray to God; He will open many doors for you, and your dreams will come true.