A number of dentists are recommending the Teeth-in-a-day option. Campbell teeth-in-a-day has picked a great response. If your dental surgeon is advising of the same, do not suspect them. The treatment assures you a permanent smile option with confidence. In this article, we shall help you understand the purpose of the treatment and its associated benefits.
With time, technology has changed and dentistry has advanced too. Why go for longer sessions, wait for appointments, or bear all that pain when you can fix your teeth in one visit itself? That’s exactly what Teeth-in-a-day offers you!
Teeth-in-a-day is an advanced treatment for teeth where your mouth’s CT images are taken in high resolution. Proper planning is done on the treatment much in advance so that your dentist is prepared to fix it in one visit itself. Don’t worry, everything is well-planned in advance and the team will make you comfortable.
It is like an oral surgery where you provide either partial or full sedation. Your dentist and your team start removing teeth from your upper jaw, lower jaw, and then whole mouth. They will take four to six implants to fix per jaw. Everything happens in one day itself.
5 major benefits of Teeth-in-a-day to look for:
- Your jawbone is saved:
Jawbone forms the lower jaw and holds the bottom teeth of the mouth. The treatment helps to preserve your jawbone. The traditional methods of dentures or bridges fail to hold the pressure on the jawbone for long.
- You will not find any changes on your smile or face:
Sometimes, the tooth loss hampers your mouth and jawline structure making you look different. Now you can sustain your smile and youthful features with Teeth-in-a-day treatment.
- No more restrictions on eating or chewing anything:
Anything that is not chewed properly leads to a poor digestive system, which can further lead to other health complications. Artificial dentures will not help much as much as Teeth-in-a-day treatment. Once your mouth heals, you can chew anything with no discomfort.
- More confident smile than before:
Most people with dentures or bridges often shy out to smile hard. They fear their dentures falling off while laughing out loud. This won’t be the same with Teeth-in-a-day! Losing teeth is no longer a risk with this advanced technique.
- Cost-effective and quick results:
If you consider the efforts and money spent on every session including the travel time and fare from home to the dental clinic, you would realize that Teeth-in-a-day is a cost-effective method.