<a href="https://pixabay.com/users/RyanMcGuire/">RyanMcGuire</a> / Pixabay
What if all the feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and insecurities are just thoughts generated by false fears of uncertainty?
What if such thoughts can be desensitized, dissociated from being part of your reality, and self-realized for the false thoughts that they really are?
Edward Corona, a hypnotist from Oregon is currently working with proven techniques by hypnotherapists, Jorgen Rasmussen and John Overdurf.
Overdurf is a hypnosis trainer who focuses on perception transformation through a process he calls Rhizomatic thinking. Through metaphorical conceptualization, the right side of the brain becomes more engaged and therefore finds solutions that were previously missed. Edward uses such concept on his practice by diminishing and sometimes even removing the feelings associated with the flaws found in the way people think.
Jorgen Rasmussen teaches realization by helping people notice that false fears and insecurities are just thought patterns. The moment the client realizes that such thought patterns are not real, change begins. Edward uses this concept to further assist people see that they create their own reality. At times, Edward takes one step farther to show clients how easy they can blur reality using arm catalepsy and other hypnotic patterns.
By now here may be some lingering question such as the following:
What is the difference between false fears and real fears?
What is thought desensitization?
What are thought dissociations?
How do you realize that such thoughts are false?
A real fear would be something that comes from a danger such as an animal attack, a robbery, or anything that puts someone’s life in danger. A false fear would be fear to socialize, fear to try something new, fear of failure, etc. In other words, false fears are just internalized thoughts not physically happening while real fears are events of imminent danger.
Thought desensitization is a light hypnotic patter that takes away most of the feelings and sometimes even the feelings entirely away from the thoughts. The purpose of such technique is to remove emotions temporarily in order to make rational decisions. Thought dissociations are processes in which the client has the opportunity to view the situation from a different point of view rather than just from their own point of view. This process is also done with a light hypnotic trance. Once these processes are in effect, the client is able to distinguish what things may be a risk or danger and what things are just internalized thought with no purpose other than to keep the person safe due to an erroneous perception of danger or risk.
Edward Primarily focuses on integrating these techniques for customers who seek for tarot reading sessions since this is the community where he came from.
His website can be found at:
His business in Salem, Oregon can be found at:
More information on Jorgen’s Illusional model can be found at:
More information on the concepts taught by John Overdurf can be found at: