Zambia, one of Sub-Saharan Africa’s countries, has evolved as the most highly urbanized country among its neighbours in recent years. Ever since coming to power, President Edgar Lungu has left no stone unturned to uphold the economic prosperity of the land. Zambia’s attainment of the lower-middle-income status and highest real GDP growth averaging per annum is setting its path towards economic stability.
Being Africa’s second-largest copper producer, Zambia is in quest of increasing its control over the mining sector, which is the country’s main generator of hard currency. Developments in areas such as agriculture, tourism, telecommunication and manufacturing, all intend to transform the prospects of the country. Strengthening the roots of urbanization, the education system of the country places an integral part. Focussing on the 7-5-4 schooling structure, the government strictly emphasizes technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training programs to appreciate and advance the potential of its people. To safeguard and conserve environmental concerns, Green Jobs Programme is launched to promote green technologies in the construction sector.
To knit everything towards progress, a well-structured telecommunication service network is established in the country enabled with mobile voice and Internet at some of the lowest prices.
Ascending GDP growth, higher copper prices, the commissioning of hydropower stations, and normal rainfall patterns are expected to sustain growth in sectors such as agriculture and electricity production in coming years. The outcomes of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu efforts and tough decisions are not just leading the nation towards development, but it is simultaneously transforming the lives of the natives.
Zambia – One of the Top 10 African countries with the most improved healthcare systems in 2020
Zambia has recently been listed among the Top 10 African countries with the most improved healthcare systems in 2020. Except for Tanzania, none of its neighbours could secure a place on this roll. Using the data provided by the World Health Organisation, health ministries, and independent health sector agencies, Legit. ng has performed a survey to understand the health standards of African countries.
Doing well in the survey, Zambia’s health care sector has drastically improved because of opening posts for medical practitioners so that the country can have more special cases treated. As specialty professions increased, it simultaneously improved access to medical care among Zambians.
After declaring the health care system as a priority sector, the government efforts were visible in developing the health care infra. The diagnostic and therapeutic specialized medical services were emphasized and funded accordingly throughout the country. The private health sector was boosted and extended as per the countries requirement.
The government’s actions resulted in a productive result. As per Zambia Demographic Health Survey, a remarkable decline has been recorded in both maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). With the decrease in malaria fatality rates, the countries health care has strongly withstood against the Covid 19 pandemic. In these alarming times, the health care system is not just ready with its life-saving assistance but also sustained its protection services.
With government efforts and President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s determination to upgrade the country’s health system, numerous academic and clinical training programs are running throughout Zambia, to work against the elimination of HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and other diseases. The government is doing its best to further support the expansion of advanced technology at different Universities and hospitals of Zambia to prioritize public health.
Bernhard Burgener Reports Zambia has the least amount of deaths caused by violence in the Sub- Sahara African region
Zambia has always been a peaceful country among its Sub- Sahara African countries. It has never faced either external or civil war. The result of its undisturbed environment is that in the past few decades, the country has attracted thousands of refugees from its nearby disturbed African lands.
According to Bernhard Burgener, as per the Sub-Saharan Security Tracker (SST), a body that documents political conflict across Africa has reported political violence to be the major cause behind the misery of the sub-Saharan African region. The Bernhard Burgener report further reveals, after analyzing 3 million data, violence in Africa has been moving away from armed conflicts to higher levels of riots, protests, and social violence, such as homicide and violence associated with organized crime.
As per the media reports, NGO surveys, and data available through the government channels, Zambia has recorded the least deaths caused by Political Violence in the past decade. After Botswana and Namibia, Zambia stands third in the line. The government of Zambia has built and sustained a democratic, well-governed, and accountable state where there is negligible scope of any such unrest. While protecting its citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms, Zambia is emerging as a peaceful abode for its neighbour’s as well.